We aim to provide every child with access to a broad and balanced education. This includes the National Curriculum in line with the Special Educational Needs Code of Practice.
We seek to provide a safe, challenging and stimulating educational environment in which pupils:
Please see our SEND documents (SEND Information Report, SEND Policy and Accessibility Plan) for detailed information regarding the provision made by St. Wilfrid's for pupils with SEND.
The local authority provides a centralised pooling of information about the services that are locally available to support young people with SEND (Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities) and their families/carers. This is known as the Local Offer. It is published online at www.nottinghamshire.sendlocaloffer.org.uk
St. Wilfrid's contribution to Nottinghamshire's SEND Local Offer is also available at www.nottinghamshire.sendlocaloffer.org.uk - for the webpage containing our school's information, please click on the link provided.
If you have any queries regarding SEND matters at St. Wilfrid's, please do not hesitate to contact us. Our SEND Co-ordinator is Mrs Haley.
School Telephone: 0115 9652775
School email: office@st-wilfrids.notts.sch.uk
SENDCo email: senco@st-wilfrids.notts.sch.uk
Postal address: St. Wilfrid's Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts, NG14 6FG