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Welcome to Year 3
Summer Term


English this term looks at the book ‘The Great Kapok Tree’. The class will be getting into a debate about the choices that are made in the story as well as the ethics surrounding climate change, deforestation and the ecology of the rainforest. We’ll be using our views and opinions to write our own dilemma narratives. Our main topic this term focuses on Mayan history, its culture and traditions and its people. The class will be creating presentations about their research into this fascinating part of world history.



This term, we are rounding off our work on mass and capacity – comparing scales, using standard units of measurement and using calculations to solve volume problems. With fractions, we are adding and subtracting fractions to solve calculations involving the same denominator. We’re capping the half term off with problem solving involving money and testing the class to see if they can find the right change.



In Science this term, we are consolidating what we have learned so far in our previous topics and we’ll be taking part in some fantastic experiments that investigate rocks, plants, forces and nutrition.


In computing this half term, Year 3 will be making video trailers. The class will learn how to record video and audio for their trailers. Then using software they will edit - adding music, titles and text.


As previously mentioned, this term’s topic is all about the Mayans. Year 3 will be looking into when the civilization of the Mayans started and what the lasting impact was throughout their history. We’ll be looking forward to our Partake Day, on 24th April, as it will give the class first hand experiences in handling Mayan artefacts, creating glyphs, making original-recipe hot chocolate and we’ll be rounding the day off with a game of Pok-A-Tok!


Year 3 will be learning to create a composition to accompany an animated story. The class will take part in discussions about how music makes them feel. They’ll create actions and movements for various styles of music. Look at dynamics and play in time to a soundscape. Finishing off, they will play melodies and rhythms to represent a short animation about mountains.


For Religious Education, it’s all about the ‘good news’ as we are looking at the Gospel. We’ll be exploring why the teachings and stories surrounding Jesus inform how Christians live their life today. We’ll be discovering what the Bible meant when it said Jesus’ disciples would become ‘fishers of men’ and we’ll be looking into the morals and lessons learned from parables.


In PE, Mr Devivo and Miss Knight have rounders and dance lessons planned. While Mr Devivo takes rounders, giving the class chance to practise their catching and fielding, Miss Knight will be utilising her years of experience as a dance instructor to teach the class some brilliant routines - all set to some great Disney-inspired musical numbers in preparation for the Village Get Together.

Please click on the link below to find out what we will be learning in  Year 3 throughout the year.

Children will be given a set of spellings to learn and practice each week. Click on the above link for an overview of the words and patterns they will learn throughout the year.

Spelling Shed.png

Class Newsletters


PSHE & Relationships  

This term we are focusing on ‘Being My Best’. Children will be exploring how they can better look after themselves and others. We’ll be looking at healthy dinners, supporting our friends, keeping active with exercise, and looking after our mental health and well-being.


Verbalise how the music makes them feel. Create actions or movements appropriate to each section of a piece of music. Play in time and with an awareness of other pupils’ parts, giving some thought to dynamics. Play melodies and rhythms which represent the section of animation they are accompanying.


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St.Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts. NG14 6FG 

Tel: 0115 9652775

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