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Welcome to Year 2
Summer Term


We are starting the term looking at the book ‘Wild’ looking at stories on a theme. We will be looking at descriptive writing, retelling the story and then writing our on sequel on what will happen to ‘Wild’ next. To compliment our learning in history, we will be writing our own biographies for Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole. After half term we will be looking at stories from other cultures to link with our geography unit about Africa and then we will be doing a recount of our trip to Yorkshire Wildlife Park. To finish the year we will be creating our own shape poetry


In Maths this term we will start by looking at measuring in millilitres and litres and then reading temperature scales. After this, we will be entering the exciting world of fractions looking at a whole, half, quarter, three quarters and then thirds. After half term we will begin to learn to tell the time, look at interpreting graphs and tables in statistics and learning about position and direction. Throughout the summer we will be continuing to refine our arithmetic skills and practicing our 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables..


Alongside Forest Schools which will take place on Thursdays this half term, the children will be learning that animals, including humans, have offspring which grow into adults. They will· find out about and describe the basic needs of animals, including humans, for survival. The children will learn about the importance for humans of exercise, eating the right amounts of different types of food, and hygiene. Next, Year 2 will explore and compare the differences between things that are living, dead, and things that have never been alive. They will identify that most living things live in habitats to which they are suited as well as naming a variety of plants and animals in their habitats, including microhabitats. They will describe how animals obtain their food from plants and other animals, using the idea of a simple food chain, and identify and name different sources of food.


We will be asking: What will we see on our African adventure? Which will be a comparative study between Kenya and England. This topic will include looking at locating both Kenya and England, looking at and comparing animals found in both locations and finding out about the traditional culture of the Maasai tribe.


In the topic, ‘What makes a hero?’ the class will look at the lives of Florence Nightingale and Mary Seacole, comparing their contributions to nursing and why Florence Nightingale is remembered rather than Mary Seacole. They will compare nursing in the Victorian era to modern day thinking about how medical care has evolved over time.


During Summer 1, we will be looking at the topic of ‘Believing’ by trying to answer the question: What do Jewish people believe about God, creation, humanity, and the natural world? In Summer 2, we are looking at the topic of ‘Story’ answering the questions: How and why are some stories important in religions and what can we learn from these stories in the Torah and the Bible?


In the fist half of the Summer term, in Athletics year 2 will be learning about running and jumping techniques. They will learn to straighten their knees to spring up using both legs at the same time; set off at a sustainable pace and use their foot to push off in the new direction. In dance, they will be using the theme of ‘Disney’ in order to compose a group performance for the Village Get Together. In the second half of the Summer term, Year 2 will be learning bat and ball skills through the game of Cricket. They will learn different techniques for bowling a ball and develop their accuracy when batting. We will be linking our dance lessons to our Geography topic on Africa, continuing to develop our skills of timing and performance

Please click on the link below to find out what we will be learning in  Year 2 throughout the year.








Children will be given a set of spellings to learn and practice each week. Click on the above link for an overview of the words and patterns they will learn throughout the year.

Spelling Shed.png

Class Newsletters


In Summer 1, the children will be learning about The International Space Station, considering how astronauts live and what basic things they need whilst onboard. They will learn about what astronauts monitor whilst onboard. In Summer 2, the class will be using Scratch Jr. They will begin to be able to explain what the blocks on ScratchJr do and use them for a purpose. They will recognise a loop in coding and why it is useful and use code to create an algorithm.

D&T & Art

In our project, ‘Be an Architect’, the children will be introduced to the idea that architects design and make buildings, and to give them the opportunity to explore architecture around them, and to create their own architectural models.

In D & T we are going to be designing and creating our own models of safari vehicles. We will be looking at how wheels and axels work and develop a design for safari vehicles that could be used in Kenya to take tourists to see the ‘Big 5’.


In Summer 1, in their unit ‘On this Island – British songs and sounds’, Sing, play and follow instructions to perform as a group. They will describe music using simple musical vocabulary and explore multiple ways of making the same sound. Their final outcome will be to create a piece that clearly represents a particular environment. After half term, they will begin their unit called ‘myths and legends’ in which they will learn to create a musical composition with several layered and perform their composition to the class.


In Summer 1, throughout the topic ‘Being my best’, the children will think about how to keep a positive attitude whilst they learn new things. They will learn about the learning line’ and the process their brains go through when learning new concepts. The children will learn about resilience and ways to keep their mind and bodies healthy. After half term, we move on to ‘Growing and Changing. In this unit the children will consider simple ways of praising others and recognising the feelings associated with losing someone close to them. They will identify different stages of growth (e.g. baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult) and understand and describe some of the things that people are capable of at these different stages. They will learn that you are not allowed to touch someone’s private belongings without their permission.

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St.Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts. NG14 6FG 

Tel: 0115 9652775

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