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We are aware that the parents and carers of St. Wilfrid's School's pupils are extremely keen to help both the school community and their own children. We are very grateful for this support, as it helps to make the school community strong, builds and maintains exceptional links with the wider community and enables our children to achieve their full potential.


If you can't find what you are looking for here, the information might be available in our school prospectus..


Alternatively, please don't hesitate to contact our Office and speak to Mrs Porter, who will be happy to assist you with your query.

Home School Agreement

What is a Home-School Agreement?

A Home-School Agreement is a statement explaining:

  • the school’s aims 

  • the school’s responsibilities towards its pupils who are of compulsory school age

  • the responsibility of each pupil’s parents

  • what the school expects of its pupils.

This is a simple agreement between the school, pupil and parent which outlines effective ways in which we can agree to work together to foster and maintain respectful and pro-active relationships as your child moves through school.

Reporting Concerns

Having an excellent home-school relationship benefits the whole school community. It is always best to deal with any problems at the earliest opportunity. If you have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to raise these with your child's class teacher as soon as possible (there is usually a preference for this to be done at the end of the school day). 


In the unlikely event that you feel that your concern has not been resolved through talking to the class teacher and you wish to pursue the matter, you are invited to follow the school's complaints procedure.

Home School Agreement
Complaints Policy

For our 'Privacy Notice', please click here

St.Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts. NG14 6FG 

Tel: 0115 9652775

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