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Year 6

Spring Term

This page has useful information about the day-to-day running of Year 6 as well as the areas of learning that we will be covering this term.

Mrs Wood is the class teacher for Year 6, ably assisted by Miss Morton.

Please click the image below to find out what we will be learning this term:


Useful information:

  • Our PE lessons are on Thursday and Friday afternoons. Please make sure your child arrives in school in their PE kits. You may wish to layer some warmer clothing for our outdoor sessions, particularly when the weather is colder.
  • Spellings will be tested every Friday. 10 new spellings will be sent home each week (stuck into reading diaries as well as on class story on Dojo). A weekly spelling game will be available on Spelling Shed to help the children learn in a fun way. Below are some useful spelling links:

  • Times tables will be tested every Friday. Children will be given 4 minutes to complete 50 multiplication facts up to and including the 12 times table. 

  • English and Maths homework will be set on a Friday (if this is to be completed on paper, a physical copy will be given to the children as well as a digital copy on Dojo). This should be returned by the following Friday.
  • Children are encouraged to read at home, to an adult, at least three times a week. House points are awarded to children who have read five times in a week and certificates are awarded every 25 reads.