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Reporting Absence

Reporting Absence 

It is very important that you report your child's absence as soon as possible. This is because our office staff will begin making phone calls from 9am. It would really help them to minimise the time it takes to check on non attenders. Calls should be made to the school office on 0115 9652775 and not via the class teachers. 

Key Stage One and Two have slightly different start and end times to allow parents with children in both Key Stages to collect their children safely.        

Foundation & Key Stage One

Morning: 8:50 am - 12:00pm 

Afternoon: 1:00pm  - 3:30pm

Key Stage Two 

Morning: 8:45am - 12:00 pm

 Afternoon 1:00 am -3:25 pm


It can be tricky deciding whether or not to keep your child off school when they're unwell.

There are government guidelines for schools about managing specific infectious diseases at GOV.UK. These say when children should be kept off school and when they shouldn't. The NHS website also has some useful information for parents to access advice. 

Medical Appointments 

If you have to make a medical/dental appointment for your child, please make every effort to schedule this for outside the school day. However, if absence from school due to a medical/dental appointment is unavoidable, please notify the school office about the dates/time in advance. Please try to keep the period of time that your child is away from the classroom as short as possible.