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Children MUST wear the following uniform:

  • Mid-grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dress
  • Blue shirt (long or short-sleeved) and school tie
  • Mid-grey v-necked jumper or cardigan with the school logo (purchased from the school office) or without. Unbranded grey alternatives are acceptable. 
  • Black shoes with grey or black socks or tights

Summer Term/ beginning of Autumn Term 

Children have the option to wear blue and white checked summer dresses, together with blue, black or white closed sandals and white socks. They also have the option to wear shorts. If shorts are worn, the tie may be removed during Summer 2 and Autumn 1. 

Branded cardigans, jumpers, coats, P.E. kit, reading bags, kit bags, ties and name labels are only available to purchase from the office.

Payments are made via ParentPay. 






Children go swimming from Years 2 and 4 and need a swimming costume (long shorts are not allowed in the pool) and towel. Goggles are not permitted unless there is a medical condition supported by a G.P. If your child would like to wear goggles they can do but a parent must have signed the 'Goggle Consent Form'.


All children require a P.E. kit comprising a white or navy polo shirt, blue shorts, black, grey, or white socks with plimsolls or trainers. Children may wear a plain navy tracksuit when the weather is cold.

The children need their P.E. kit to be in school every day. All kit needs to be brought to school and stored in a draw-string bag; these are available for purchase from the school office. We encourage the children to take their kit home for washing every weekend or whenever it becomes dirty.

Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly named.


Children with pierced ears may wear just one pair of plain ear studs. For safety reasons, studs are removed during physical activities; this is the responsibility of the child. If you are considering having your child’s ears pierced, please make sure that it is done at the start of the summer holidays. No other jewellery is allowed. 

Make up & Accessories

Make-up, nail varnish, nail extensions, gel nails and 'extreme' dyed hair are not appropriate for school and must not be worn. Plain ‘Alice’ type bands or ‘scrunchies’ are acceptable in school colours.