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Bible Stories, Values and Psalms

Think about the Bible stories you've heard during collective worship or in your class. Take some time to read or watch a few of these stories again.

How many of the following activities can you complete? Bring your work into school to share with your teacher, your class, and Miss Cousin to earn House Points. Your efforts will also contribute toward your Faith Christian Value Award, and your work may be shared in Celebration Worship!

  • Draw a picture of your favourite Bible story and display it in your class reflection corner.
  • What lesson can we learn from the story? Share your thoughts with your teacher!
  • Do you have a favourite Bible story? Present it in a creative way.
  • Find a Bible story you enjoy and share it with your class.
  • Share a Bible story you've enjoyed at school with your family at home.
  • Create a comic strip of your favourite Bible story.

We look forward to seeing your creative work!