St Wilfrid's CE Primary School promotes values which reject bullying behaviour and promote co-operative behaviour. Tackling bullying matters.
Our school is committed to providing a supportive, caring and safe environment in which all children are free from the fear of being bullied. As a school, we take bullying and its impact seriously: bullying of any form is not tolerated. The school has high expectations of outstanding behaviour and we consistently challenge any behaviour that falls below this.
One of the ways we keep children safe is through teaching children about bullying and the effects it can have. This is covered through our weekly PSHE lessons and as part of our assemblies and acts of collective worship. We also have visits from external providers, such as the NSPCC, who help us to recognise the importance of speaking out to stay safe. We always encourage children to tell an adult if they have any concerns about bullying. Our School Councillors lead whole-school assembly for Anti-bullying week each year and we ensure anti-bullying maintains a high profile at school through various awareness activities.
Our Link Governor for Anti-Bullying is Rev. Sam Hustwayte.