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School Day Timings

8:40am - The School Day starts:

The Head and other staff are by the gates to welcome the children in to school at the start of each day. Children meet their friends and line up on the playgrounds.

8:45am - The school day for KS2 begins with the morning bell and registration:

8:50am - The school day for KS1 and EYFS begins with the morning bell and registration:

Cloakroom doors are opened and children are welcomed in to their classrooms, ready to start their learning for the day. We expect a high level of attendance and good time-keeping from our children. By being on time, all the children are able to mentally prepare for the day through our positive and welcoming registration process.

8:50/8:55am - Morning Activities such as Fluent-in-5, Grammar, Phonics

9:20am – Maths / English

10:20am - Break:

There are areas for being physically active, as well as quiet areas for children wishing to sit and chat with their friends or read.

10:35am Collective Worship:

This offers an opportunity for the whole school to meet on a daily basis. We end our week with a celebration assembly, where we congratulate our children for achievements made both inside and outside school.

10:50am – Maths / English

11:50/ 12pm - Lunchtime: 

Our Lunchtime staff ensure supervised games are available for all, as well as a host of activities for children to participate in with friends.

12:50/1pm - Afternoon lessons: We follow a broad, balanced, progressive, sequential and rich, creative curriculum.

3.25 (KS2) and 3:30pm (EYFS and KS1) - The compulsory school day finishes:

The children are dismissed out of their cloakroom doors to their parents/carers, who are able to converse with staff about the day and celebrate their child’s successes.