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An Eco-Friendly School

...this ethos is embedded in our children's day-to-day lives.

Our New Woodland Walk:


We have completed our major project to re-establish the wildlife walk at the top of the school field...we are pleased that it is being integrated into the school curriculum (please click picture below to see it being used by Y6)...

We have a small vegetable plot, which the children tend. Once the produce is ready, they will harvest it, take it home and enjoy the fruits of their labour. 

We know that we are very lucky to have such wonderful outside space and we enjoy using it to its full potential.

Year 2 have enjoyed an outdoor classroom during the spring term at their weekly 'Forest School'

We have been successful in achieving the 'Green Flag' (a top 'eco' award) three times - showing that the school is now sustainably ‘green’. 

Here at St Wilfrid’s we are very eco-friendly and this ethos is embedded in the children’s day-to-day lives (e.g. recycling and turning off lights). As part of this we have a very active (and lively) gardening club, or as we like to call it - Welly Boot Club!

Welly Boot Club is passionate about bio-diversity and

encouraging as much wildlife as we can into the school grounds. Our ‘bug hotel’ is considered to be as good as 'The Ritz' in woodlouse circles! 

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St.Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts. NG14 6FG 

Tel: 0115 9652775

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