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Welcome to Year 6

Summer Term


Our English lessons are based on four key areas of learning: spelling, grammar, reading & writing. 

Grammar: Relative clauses, modal verbs, adverbs, parenthesis, expanded noun phrases, commas, synonyms and antonyms, identifying class and subject/object. 

In spelling we will be focusing on the words from they Year 5/6 spelling list. You can find this list on the right on this page. 

In writing, we will be using the text Skellig as stimuli for discursive writing as well as a non- chronological report. We will also be using the animation Alma to write a short suspense story. 

In reading we will focus on how to identify relevant evidence in the text in order to explain author intent. 

Please click on the link below to find out what we will be learning in  Year 6 throughout the year.


Children will be given a set of spellings to learn and practice each week. Click on the above link for an overview of the words and patterns they will learn throughout the year.

Spelling Shed.png


Maths lessons are delivered daily with one of these lessons dedicated to arithmetic. 

This term we will be covering: decimals, fractions, percentages and statistics as well as shape, position and direction. 


This term we will be looking at the human body which includes circulation and digestion as well as how to keep healthy. We covered some aspects of this during our DAart lessons in the Autumn term. Our next unit looks at electricity and we will be thinking about how we can make lightbulbs brighter or dimmer, how to incorporate switches and how to represent electrical components using the correct symbols. 


We will cover two components of learning this term. 'Religion Here and Now' focuses on religious diversity and the importance of respect and tolerance in order to create a cohesive community. 

We end the year looking at the big question, 'Creation and science: conflicting or complementary?'



Our final art project of the year covers enlarging drawings, looking at how marks can create form and transforming this in to a flat 3D sculpture that looks to have depth. 


During the summer term, the children will participate in tree areas of learning: athletics and tennis taught by Mr Devivo as well as cricket. In dance, the children will create a whole class piece which combines independent, paired and group work. 


In history, we will be studying how mining has shaped where we live. We will begin by finding out about the history of coal use and its growing importance over time as well as its decline in use. We will look at how mining affected Nottinghamshire before looking at the impact that the opening of the colliery had on Calverton and its lasting legacy. 


Our geography lessons this term look to answer the question: How are we damaging our world? 

In this unit, the children will consider if we are damaging our world and how we can protect it. The children will investigate energy production, the oceans and minerals as well as conducting an enquiry in to how the school can become more sustainable. 



Over the summer term the children will work on singing as part of our summer production as well as a unit exploring the music and composers of the Baroque Period, investigating the structural and stylistic features of their work. 


In D&T, the children will be constructing memory boxes. They will measure, cut and join wood in order to create a frame before fixing various materials to it in order to create their own unique shape and design. 



We will study two unit this term: 'Being my Best' was covered a lot during our DAaRT lessons however we will look back over the five ways to wellbeing contribute to healthy lifestyles. In 'Growing and Changing', we will focus on puberty, what changes any why and how to cope with the emotional changes in our lives. If you require further information on what will be covered please do speak to the class teacher. 


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St.Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts. NG14 6FG 

Tel: 0115 9652775

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