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Welcome to Year 4
Summer Term


In English we will be studying one of my favourite topics, creating dialogue for performance. We will be using the classic Oliver Twist as our text. This will help us adventure into Victorian society and help children create scenes and dialogue of their own. We will then be moving on to exploring form in poetry, looking at rhyming words and the structure of different poems.



The children will be introduced to factors for the first time. They will learn that when they multiply two whole numbers to give a product, both the numbers that they multiplied together are factors of the product. For example, 3 × 5 = 15, so 3 and 5 are factors of 15. 3 and 5 are also referred to as a “factor pair” of 15. They will then generalise this further to conclude that a factor of a number is a whole number that divides into it exactly. The children will create arrays using counters to develop their understanding of factor pairs. In the next unit, the children will be introduced to kilometres and the abbreviation ”km”. Children will understand that kilometres are greater than metres and are used to measure greater distances. 



In our science topic, the children will identify common appliances that run on electricity  construct a simple series electrical circuit, identifying and naming its basic parts, including cells, wires, bulbs, switches and buzzers. They will recognise that a switch opens and closes a circuit and associate this with whether or not a lamp lights in a simple series circuit. As part of their investigations, they will recognise some common conductors and insulators, and associate metals with being good conductors.


Following on from our work on Oliver Twist we will be looking deeper into Victorian society and culture. Using a variety of sources to bring this topic to life and help children grasp the colossal importance of the industrial revolution.


In this Athletics unit, children will have the opportunity to develop their existing running, jumping and throwing skills, as well as learning new techniques. They will be refining their sprint technique and learning how to work as a relay team by practising an effective baton changeover. They will learn the technique for throwing the javelin (pull throw) and how to execute the standing triple jump.

Year 4 will also continue to develop their water confidence. 


In Spring 1, the children will discuss the journey of life and death through researching important life events that are celebrated with rituals in a variety of religions, as well as understanding humanism. In Spring 2 children will revise the Easter story of Holy Week through a variety of activities, as well as helping to create the Easter garden for St Wilfrid’s Church in the village.


In computing, the children will be data handling through the theme of weather. The children will be learning to search the web efficiently to find temperatures of different cities and record them accurately. They will design a weather station that gathers and records sensor data, explaining how it works and the units of measurement it would use and an automated machine that uses selection to respond to sensor data. The children will search for and record weather forecast information in a spreadsheet and explain how this data is collected. Finally, the children will create a video which includes weather forecast information



The Art of Display is our half-term topic for Art. We will be looking at the work of Thomas J Price and creating our own plinth people, as they venture into the world of sculpture, using clay, plaster of paris and wire structures.

PSHE & Relationships

In 'Being my Best,' the children will consider things they can do for themselves to keep healthy now and in the future. They will also consider the things they can do now to help look after their environment now and in the future. 


Identify the structure of a piece of music. Have an idea as to when there is one layer in a piece of music and when there are two. Play a sequence in the correct order in time with their partner. Have two contrasting rhythms being played together. Have two different melodies being played together. Have a complete piece of music with four different layers with an appropriate structure.


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St.Wilfrid's CE Primary School, Main Street, Calverton, Notts. NG14 6FG 

Tel: 0115 9652775

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